Google Now, the same functionality found on Android, makes its first official appearance after an earlier attempt in the latest experimental Canary desktop version of Chrome 34.0.1788 for Windows, Mac, and Chrome OS.
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How to update Google Chrome – Are you using the latest version?
Google Now integration is not enabled by default, but you can easily enable it by going to the experimental page (chrome://flags/#enable-google-now), changing the setting to Enabled and don't forget to also enable Rich Notifications (chrome://flags/#enable-rich-notifications) and restart the browser. After the restart, you will see a notification card confirming that the new feature is working.
You do, however, get the new Notification Center with travel, sports, weather, and other alerts from the service. The Google Now desktop integration isn't exactly the same as that in Android, as some of the cards are missing, such as public alerts, nearby photo spots, activity summaries, and stocks – this could be temporary because the functionality isn't fully integrated, or because Google might be thinking about making this version of Google Now a little different for the desktop version.
Additionally, Google already has a support page for the desktop version of Google Now that describes how it works in Chrome and how to disable Now Cards in Chrome.