How to change the Gmail icon toolbar back to text buttons

How to change the Gmail icon toolbar back to text buttons

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to change the Gmail icon toolbar back to text buttons

Google updates its products daily. This is good, but sometimes it is difficult to keep up with so many changes. In the last Gmail redesign, the company added many new improvements, one of which was the new icon-based toolbar buttons, which many users don't like as they are used to the old text-based buttons because they are more descriptive.

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Change your Gmail buttons from icons to text

The company believed that this change would benefit users, but also thought about those who would not be happy with the change, so it added a setting to bring the text buttons back into Gmail.

To restore text buttons in Gmail, follow these steps:

1. Go to Gmail Settings. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the page and select Settings.