How to dispose of your old computer safely and protect your data at the same time

How to dispose of your old computer safely and protect your data at the same time

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to dispose of your old computer safely and protect your data at the same time

How to dispose of, donate, recycle, sell or give away an old computer without revealing important data. Tutorial explanations and examples of what you should and should not do.

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How to destroy an old hard drive (and protect your data) | NBC News

When you dispose of, donate, recycle, sell or give away an old computer, your personal information is your biggest concern. There are some things you should know and steps you should follow before disposing of your old computer.

If you're like most people, you use your computer to check your bank account, manage your finances, do your taxes, upload private pictures and files, etc. Many of these actions generate data that is stored on your computer, and you could be giving away really important information in the process, such as your name, address, bank account numbers, usernames and passwords, tax information, social security numbers, and much more, depending on how you use your computer.

Please note that deleting data from the hard drive does not destroy it. It is simply marked as deleted and is no longer visible to the user.