How to enable ransomware protection on Windows 10

How to enable ransomware protection on Windows 10

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to enable ransomware protection on Windows 10

Microsoft Defender Antivirus can protect your device and data from ransomware – here's how to enable and configure the feature.

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Channel Avatar Pureinfotech2022-04-13 12:06:18 Thumbnail

Windows 11: Enable ransomware protection (2024)

Microsoft Defender Antivirus is the default anti-malware solution on Windows 10, protecting your computer from viruses, spyware, rootkits, and other malware, including ransomware, by default. While the antivirus already does a good job of keeping you safe online, Defender Antivirus also includes the Controlled Folder Access feature to make it easier to protect your files from ransomware.

Controlled Folder Access is a feature that monitors the changes apps make to your files. If an app tries to modify the files in a protected folder and the app is blocked, you will be notified of the suspicious activity.

In this guide, I will show you how to enable and configure Controlled Folder Access with Microsoft Defender Antivirus to protect your Windows 10 device and data from ransomware.