How to extract wallpapers from a Windows 7 theme

How to extract wallpapers from a Windows 7 theme

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to extract wallpapers from a Windows 7 theme

Have you ever wondered how to extract all the beautiful wallpapers from a Windows 7 theme or where they are located after you have installed one of them? Today you will learn a little trick on how to extract wallpapers from a Windows 7 theme. If you have already installed a theme, you can find the wallpapers in the installation folder.

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Channel Avatar Shubhanshu Khatana2016-04-10 08:10:45 Thumbnail

How to extract a background image file (.png,.jpg) from a Windows theme file in Win10

1. When you download or create a Windows 7 theme, the installation file is "Themename.themepack". You need to first right-click on "Themename.themepack", select "Rename" and change the extension name from ".themepack" to ".zip". When asked if changing the extension might make the file unusable, just click "Yes".

Note: If you can't see the file extension, see this article: How to show file extension in Windows

2. Open the file using the zip function of Microsoft Windows or any zip program. Once opened, you will see all the files that make up a Windows 7 theme, as well as all the wallpapers. From here, you can now select any JPG, PNG or other type of image file extension and extract them to any folder.