How to fix Windows 10 registry change to show builds as it blocks future updates

How to fix Windows 10 registry change to show builds as it blocks future updates

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to fix Windows 10 registry change to show builds as it blocks future updates

Recently, a post surfaced online detailing how to modify a Windows 10 registry key to see unreleased versions of the operating system and dictate how quickly users can download those parts. As it turns out, nothing good can come of it.

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Registry trick to block feature updates for Windows 10

A new tweet from Microsoft's Gabriel Aul, who is in charge of the Windows Insider program, points out that performing the registry tweak in Windows 10 Technical Preview will actually prevent the system from receiving future builds. And you'll likely get error code 0x80246017 when you try to download the new preview build.

Note: If someone did this for #Windows10, it will actually disable your ability to receive updates. via @NeowinFeed

– Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) October 15, 2014