How to install the new Xbox One Experience on your console

How to install the new Xbox One Experience on your console

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to install the new Xbox One Experience on your console

Microsoft is starting to roll out the new Xbox One experience on Windows 10. Here's how to get it.

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The guide to the new Xbox One experience

On November 12, Microsoft will begin rolling out the new Xbox One Experience on Windows 10. The update will begin rolling out to consoles at 3:01 a.m. Eastern Time and 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time, respectively. However, it is important to note that Microsoft will slowly roll out the new update to consoles, meaning it will take some time for everyone to receive the new update.

Please note that the timing of the update depends primarily on your time zone and your console settings.

When Microsoft begins rolling out, users who have configured their Xbox One console with Instant-On power mode will automatically receive the new Xbox One experience when the console is in Connected Standby mode.