How to remove the Facebook news ticker [Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera]

How to remove the Facebook news ticker [Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera]

HomeGuides, How to, TechHow to remove the Facebook news ticker [Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera]

There are different ways to remove the Facebook news ticker from your profile depending on the web browser you use. In this article, I will show you the different methods you can use in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera, with Google Chrome offering more options.

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As you may have noticed, there are a large number of new changes coming to Facebook – and there are more on the way -, one of which is the introduction of news tickers, which are essentially a new way to have a real-time conversation with your friends – to find out more, read this previous article -. The problem with the new changes is that, as good as the company may think they are, in reality not everyone will like them. So if you find that the news ticker on the right side of your screen bothers you, don't feel like you've been left in the dark; here are several ways to deal with this situation.

The easiest way to do this is to use AdBlock Plus in Chrome or Firefox and then simply add the following custom filters in the extension's settings.[id=”pagelet_rhc_ticker”]