Microsoft Band: You have questions, here are the answers

Microsoft Band: You have questions, here are the answers

HomeGuides, How to, TechMicrosoft Band: You have questions, here are the answers

On October 30, Microsoft finally launched its long-rumored wearable fitness and productivity device, the Microsoft Band. And if you've already purchased your personal band, after the initial setup process and learning how to use the device, it's time to learn some important frequently asked questions about Microsoft's new fitness tracker by getting answers about water resistance, multiple profile support, using the device without a smartphone, Cortana, availability, and more.

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Channel Avatar Windows Central2014-11-06 00:25:07 Thumbnail

How to track your run with Microsoft Band

Can sweat from running or exercising ruin the Microsoft Band?

Answer: NO, it is OK for the Microsoft Band to be exposed to sweat. This scenario was anticipated during the design process. However, Microsoft recommends keeping the smart band dry and clean.

Is the Microsoft Band waterproof?