Microsoft kicks off Windows 10 launch with fan-focused celebrations around the world

Microsoft kicks off Windows 10 launch with fan-focused celebrations around the world

HomeGuides, How to, TechMicrosoft kicks off Windows 10 launch with fan-focused celebrations around the world

Microsoft is preparing for Windows 10 and is launching its very expensive “Upgrade your World” marketing campaign aimed at Windows fans.

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Microsoft Windows 10 Event January 2015 (full)

On July 29, Microsoft will finally release Windows 10 to the public in 190 countries and 111 languages, but this time the launch event will be different. There will be no single event or webcast, instead the company is planning something bigger.

Starting today, Microsoft is launching its multi-million dollar marketing campaign to promote Windows 10, with Windows fans at the center.

To celebrate the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft is hosting a series of events around the world, primarily for all Windows Insiders who have helped the company shape the new operating system over the past nine months.