Microsoft no longer sells Windows 7/8.1 to PC manufacturers

Microsoft no longer sells Windows 7/8.1 to PC manufacturers

HomeGuides, How to, TechMicrosoft no longer sells Windows 7/8.1 to PC manufacturers

It's time to let go and replace the old with the new.

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How to Uninstall Windows 10 and Downgrade to Windows 7 (2021)

Microsoft will stop selling Windows 7 Professional and Windows 8.1 licenses to PC manufacturers on October 31, 2016. Some retailers will still sell remaining stock, but going forward, device manufacturers will only offer Windows 10.

This news should not come as a surprise to anyone, as Microsoft stopped offering manufacturers different editions of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 about two years ago.

In the lifecycle diagram, you can see October 31st as the end of sales for Windows 7 Professional and Windows 8.1.