Microsoft will release the Windows 10 Consumer Preview at the end of January

Microsoft will release the Windows 10 Consumer Preview at the end of January

HomeGuides, How to, TechMicrosoft will release the Windows 10 Consumer Preview at the end of January

Microsoft will unveil the Consumer Preview of Windows 10 at an event in late January. According to a new report from The Verge, sources familiar with the plan claim that Microsoft will unveil the consumer feature of Windows 10 during a press event. While the software giant will attend CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in early January, the company will reveal what will be included in the Windows 10 Consumer Preview at a separate event.

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Windows 10 was first unveiled in September. The goal of the event was to show businesses how the next operating system could help them be more productive. However, at the next event, Microsoft is expected to unveil more significant changes and new features to Windows that are focused on consumers.

Among the features we expect, the company will unveil the new Continuum mode, which will make it easier to switch from a desktop to a touch-optimized interface on 2-in-1 devices. There will also be details on a version of Windows 10 for Windows Phone and tablets, and Microsoft will likely share some information on a new dashboard update for Xbox One.

SEE ALSO: Windows 10 Consumer Preview: Features to expect in 2015