Preview of Windows “Threshold” should be right on schedule

Preview of Windows “Threshold” should be right on schedule

HomeGuides, How to, TechPreview of Windows “Threshold” should be right on schedule

Microsoft is packing a lot of new features into Windows Threshold, like the new Start menu and modern windowed apps. We've also heard about other significant changes, like the removal of the Charms bar, which will be replaced by a new option in apps and "virtual desktops." It's also introducing a new flat UI design that matches the Metro-style environment, but on the desktop. And there are even rumors that Cortana will find a place in the taskbar.

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Summary of NEW Windows 11 features for the last 5 builds for all channels

While we don't yet have a concrete date for the first public preview of Windows Threshold, ZDNet reported that Microsoft is right on schedule to provide a preview in the fall that anyone can download. If all goes well, that means the tech giant won't delay the final version of the operating system, which may be called "Windows 9," and we could see a final version by spring 2015.

While Windows 8 is a good operating system concept, many things didn't go as Microsoft had hoped. But the company quickly made many of the right moves to fix the shortcomings with the release of Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Update. And while things have gotten better, the name "Windows 8" may be keeping many customers from upgrading, which is why Microsoft is pushing much harder to make Windows 9 the next best thing.

In addition, the company is considering offering the operating system as a free update for users of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. This will not only encourage users to upgrade, but if done right, could lead to faster adoption of the next version of Windows than ever before, as the majority of users are still stuck with Windows XP and Windows 7.