See how Microsoft designed the iconic Windows 7 default wallpaper

See how Microsoft designed the iconic Windows 7 default wallpaper

HomeGuides, How to, TechSee how Microsoft designed the iconic Windows 7 default wallpaper

There's a good chance that when you bought your Windows 7 PC or upgraded to this version of Windows, the default wallpaper was the nice blue picture with the colorful Windows logo right in the middle.

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Windows 10 Hero Desktop Image – Behind the Scenes

In this video, Denise Trabona, Senior UX at Microsoft, walks you through the design process of this iconic Windows 7 default wallpaper from start to finish. See what other alternative designs could have been the final product and what the designers took into account to represent Windows 7 with an image.

Source Channel9 – Development of the iconic background

Also see the thinking behind all the default wallpapers included in Windows 7, how they came up with those designs, and how they decided what kind of art hundreds of millions of people want to see on their Windows 7 desktop every day.