Simplo batteries on Surface Pro 3 are not defective, it is a software problem

Simplo batteries on Surface Pro 3 are not defective, it is a software problem

HomeGuides, How to, TechSimplo batteries on Surface Pro 3 are not defective, it is a software problem

Microsoft confirms that there are no defective batteries in Surface Pro 3 devices. The battery drain issue is software-related and a fix will be available soon.

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Recently, several users reported significant battery drain on Surface Pro 3 units with Simplo battery. Microsoft acknowledged the concerns but did not provide any specific statement on whether the issue was due to the faulty battery or the software.

Now the company has released a statement explaining that the issue that causes the Surface Pro 3 device's battery to drain so quickly is a software-related problem.

According to an update on the official Microsoft forums, the company has narrowed the issue down to a small number of customers. Microsoft also confirms that there is no problem with the Simplo batteries themselves and is actively working on releasing an update to fix the issue.