Will Windows 95 run on a Surface with Windows RT?

Will Windows 95 run on a Surface with Windows RT?

HomeGuides, How to, TechWill Windows 95 run on a Surface with Windows RT?

We've already heard about jailbreaks on Windows RT, and today something new is happening: a user named Netham45 on the XDA forums has found a way to port various desktop programs, including TightVNC, PuTTy and BOCHS, to Microsoft's Windows RT operating system. It allows you to create a virtual environment and run good old Windows 95 on a Windows RT device, in this case a Surface, as you see in the picture.

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Channel Avatar Techquickie2022-08-19 16:35:16 Thumbnail

Why Windows 95 crashed so often

Although Netham45 was able to install Windows 95, many features such as networking do not work.

As Zac from WinBeta points out, porting an x86 desktop program to ARM is no easy task. The app must be loaded and recompiled using software like Visual Studio. This is not recommended for anyone. Also, Windows RT does not have a full set of Windows libraries (DLLs), so if you port a program to an ARM-based device, it probably won't work.

Source XDA forums via WinBeta