Windows 10 Build 10041: How to fix Mail, Calendar, and People apps not opening or listed in All Apps

Windows 10 Build 10041: How to fix Mail, Calendar, and People apps not opening or listed in All Apps

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 10 Build 10041: How to fix Mail, Calendar, and People apps not opening or listed in All Apps

Use these instructions to fix the problem if the new Mail, Calendar, and Contacts apps won't open or don't appear in the All apps list in Windows 10.

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OUTLOOK will replace mail and calendar apps in Windows from the end of 2024

Microsoft has released Windows 10 Build 10041. However, since the company rushed the new build through the Fast Ring of updates, this build contains numerous bugs and fewer workarounds.

If you're a Windows Insider and have updated to Build 10041, you've probably noticed that the Mail, Calendar, and People apps won't open, or you may not even see them listed in All Apps. According to Microsoft's list of known issues, there seem to be some issues with licensing in the Store (beta).

If you don't see them listed in All Apps or the apps just won't open, you're probably thinking about going to the Store and trying to reinstall them, but there's no easy way around this problem. However, Microsoft is well aware of the issue and has already shared the necessary steps to get Mail, Calendar, and Contacts working again in Windows 10 Build 10041. Just follow the steps below: