Windows 10 Creators Update will be released in spring 2017

Windows 10 Creators Update will be released in spring 2017

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 10 Creators Update will be released in spring 2017

Microsoft announces that Windows 10 “Redstone 2” will officially be called “Windows 10 Creators Update”.

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Channel Avatar Pureinfotech2018-03-10 18:53:35 Thumbnail

Windows 10 Build 17115: Privacy settings during setup and more

The Windows 10 Creators Update is the official name Microsoft has chosen for the next version of the operating system, which we previously knew simply as the Windows 10 "Redstone 2" update. And the new version focuses on 3D, mixed reality, new sharing features and improved gaming – and turns all users into "creators."

The company hasn't yet revealed any new details about the Creators Update's release date, but it's expected to come out as a free update sometime in spring 2017. However, a recent test preview of the upcoming update included a reference to Windows 10 version 1703, meaning we could see the update in March 2017.

Microsoft made the announcement during its October 26 event in New York City, where the software giant gave us a sneak peek at the features we can expect in the Creators Update.