Windows 10 gets Unified Update Platform for smaller and faster updates

Windows 10 gets Unified Update Platform for smaller and faster updates

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 10 gets Unified Update Platform for smaller and faster updates

The Creators Update for Windows 10 includes a new update publishing system to make updates smaller and faster to install on all devices.

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Windows 10 Build 14965: Hands-on experience with the virtual touchpad, apps and other features of the Creators Update

Microsoft has introduced the Unified Update Platform (UUP) for Windows 10, a new update mechanism that enables smaller and faster-to-install updates.

The Unified Update Platform uses differential downloads that include only the changes necessary since the last update to bring devices up to the latest version of Windows 10. This is a big change, as feature updates previously required a full download and reinstallation of the operating system.

This can reduce the download size of a new feature update by an average of 35 percent. Smaller updates also mean faster downloads with lower bandwidth. The installation process becomes faster because there is no need to reinstall the entire operating system. As a result, updates reduce processor cycles, resulting in lower power consumption and optimizing battery life on laptops, tablets and phones.