Windows 10: Screen media control now in desktop apps

Windows 10: Screen media control now in desktop apps

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 10: Screen media control now in desktop apps

In Windows 10, Microsoft is not only improving how modern apps work on the desktop, but also unifying the modern experience with the desktop for a more seamless experience. In Windows 10 Build 9879, we can see this unification even further with the modern playback controls now available for desktop apps as well.

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Windows 10 Build 10122: Hands-on experience with Start menu, settings, apps and features

In Windows 8.1, when you change the volume in a modern app, you'll see the volume and media playback controls on the screen, along with information and cover art. However, when you use a desktop application like Windows Media Player, only the volume control will appear on the screen.

Now, Microsoft is making some changes in Windows 10 and the same on-screen media controls that users see on modern apps will also appear on desktop applications. However, in the preview build of Windows 10, you will only see media controls and no media information and cover art, but this may change in future builds.

Here are the Xbox Music media playback controls: