Windows 10 will not be preinstalled on new devices at launch (Update)

Windows 10 will not be preinstalled on new devices at launch (Update)

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 10 will not be preinstalled on new devices at launch (Update)

PC manufacturers will not have time to pre-install Windows 10 on new devices before July 29, as such new PCs will continue to ship with earlier versions of the operating system for some time.

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Reinstallation process of the Windows 10 Creators Update (official version)

Although Microsoft is on track to release Windows 10 to the masses on July 29, development is still ongoing and with so little time left, manufacturers will not be able to pre-install Windows 10 on new devices at launch. The software giant has promised that its next operating system will be available to the public by the end of July. While previous releases have included new devices with the new version of Windows installed at launch, that does not appear to be the case with Windows 10.

About two weeks have passed since the official release of Windows 10. In fact, the company is still working on finalizing the new product, which has not even reached the production phase yet.

Given the tight schedule, it's simply not possible for PC makers to test and install Windows 10 on their devices in time for launch. According to Bloomberg, Microsoft's next operating system won't be available on new devices on July 29, meaning PCs will continue to ship with Windows 8 until further notice, but you can rest assured that the next device you buy will support Windows 10.