Windows 11 support for Apple M2 and M1 Macs is coming

Windows 11 support for Apple M2 and M1 Macs is coming

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Microsoft announces official support for Windows 11 on Mac computers.

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Windows on Mac is official

Microsoft quietly announces that the M2 and M1 models of Macs will receive support for Windows 11. However, this is not a solution that supports a dual-boot system experience, as was possible with Apple's Boot Camp. Instead, the software giant offers a virtualization and cloud solution.

For the virtualization solution, Microsoft is working with Parallel to enable you to create a virtual machine that allows you to run Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise alongside macOS on ARM-based processors (M1 and M2) with desktop version 18.

Parallel has long been the default virtualization for running Windows on macOS, but now support is official.