Windows 8.1 Guide: The Mail app, overview and improvements

Windows 8.1 Guide: The Mail app, overview and improvements

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 8.1 Guide: The Mail app, overview and improvements

In Windows 8.1, the Mail app finally gets interesting with its new streamlined design, automatic filtering for newsletters and social updates, new features like sweep, simplified view for all folders, multiple windows, drag and drop support, email styling, and a few others. There are a lot of changes to this version of the app, so let's get started:

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How to remove newsletters and social updates from the Mail app in Windows 8.1

There's no doubt that Mail is getting better. You won't notice it until you install the new version of the operating system and take a look at the new, improved user interface (UI). Many will agree that it's much easier to use.

In the new version of the app, Microsoft continues to provide email in a three-column view (Account, Message, and Read). The Account column (first from the left) is where you'll see the most changes. It's sleeker, more compact, has new icons, and offers a flyout menu for each section.

Now, if you have an account configured, you will have access to additional sections such as Favorites (star), Flag and Newsletters and social updates. These are new filtering features that allow you to clear your inbox of any email newsletters and social notifications you may have subscribed to, such as Facebook, Twitter and other networks. However, if you use Gmail, for example, you will only have access to the inbox and all folders.