Windows 8: How to bring back the classic start menu [Trick]

Windows 8: How to bring back the classic start menu [Trick]

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 8: How to bring back the classic start menu [Trick]

By now, many users have downloaded and tested the Windows 8 Developer Preview and we are all getting used to the new graphical user interface (GUI) – in Metro style.

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Channel Avatar XperiMentals2016-02-27 17:55:29 Thumbnail

How to get back the classic Start menu in Windows 8.1 / Windows 8/Windows 10

Many users are now wondering: How do I bring back the classic Start menu? Where is it? -Apparently, the classic Start menu has not disappeared in the Developer Preview, it is still there. In case you want to test the Windows 8 Developer Preview without the new Start screen, follow these steps to get the good old Start menu back:

1. On the new Windows 8 Start screen, type “regedit” and click to open it.

2. Now navigate in Regedit to: