On Thursday, Microsoft provided further details on the development of Windows on ARM (WOA), a new version of the operating system added to the Windows family such as Windows Server, Windows 7 or Windows Embedded, which PC makers should ship at the same time as PCs designed for the x86/64 architecture chipsets.
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Windows 8 on ARM-based CPUs will support the traditional Windows desktop experience, but legacy apps will not be supported (WOA does not support running, emulating or porting existing x86/64 desktop apps). ARM-based devices will focus on Metro-style apps, that is, those built under WinRT – explains Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows and Windows Live division at Microsoft. But don't worry, WOA will initially include a built-in desktop version of the new Office 15, allowing users to use Word, Excel, OneNote and PowerPoint. It will also support Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer for accessing files and other commonly used Windows desktop features at launch.
"WOA will be a no-compromise product for people who want all the benefits of familiar Office productivity software and compatibility, an industry-leading hardware-accelerated web browser, apps from Microsoft, and access to apps in the Windows Store," said Steven.
This will not be software you can buy. Microsoft has worked extensively with many of its manufacturing partners to develop Windows on ARM, and it is only available for new devices. Although the software maker has not made any announcements about what hardware WOA will run on, they did say that some ARM-based hardware will of course be available to developers at the upcoming Windows 8 Consumer Preview event on February 29.