Windows 8 Release Preview improves multiple monitor support [Video]

Windows 8 Release Preview improves multiple monitor support [Video]

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Microsoft details the improvements made to multi-monitor support in the Windows 8 Release Preview in a mysterious article on the Building Windows 8 blog (the link goes to the original post cached by Google), which has since disappeared from the site. Although we've already seen improvements in the Consumer Preview, the software maker has now optimized multi-monitor support even further in the upcoming build of the operating system.

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Channel Avatar The Verge2012-05-16 07:09:58 Thumbnail

Support for multiple monitors in Windows 8

First, Microsoft has included a new way to integrate the Metro UI across multiple displays with an improved method of detecting shared edges. The Release Preview will feature "true corners" along shared screen edges for better control of the app switcher or charms bar. To get a better idea, watch the video below for a demo showing how much easier it is to navigate between different monitors and with Metro and a traditional environment.

In addition, the Windows 8 Release Preview will include improvements such as taskbar configuration for multiple monitors, support for different desktop backgrounds on each monitor – Windows 8 will even be able to recognize which image is best suited for which screen when displaying slide shows – and displaying one image on all monitors.

Thanks to a lot of feedback, Microsoft has also improved Metro integration across multiple monitors. Now you can launch the Start screen and access the Charms bar on any display. In addition, you can open, move, and switch back to an application in Metro style from any monitor.