Windows 8 Release Preview planned for the first week of June

Windows 8 Release Preview planned for the first week of June

HomeGuides, How to, TechWindows 8 Release Preview planned for the first week of June

Confirmed! The release of the Windows 8 Release Preview is scheduled for the first week of June.

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Channel Avatar Pureinfotech2024-08-03 15:36:53 Thumbnail

Windows 11 (NEW feature): Access Android phone files wirelessly via File Explorer

Microsoft made the announcement at the Windows 8 Developer Days conference in Japan. When will the final version of Windows 8 be released? That is still uncertain, but since everything is on schedule, we can expect a final version by October 2012.

What features are included in the Windows 8 Release Preview? That's yet to be announced, but you can get a glimpse of what's coming in this article – Compare Windows 8 to Windows 8 Pro to Windows RT to Windows 8 Enterprise [Feature by Feature].

Windows 8: Everything you need to know.