Xbox Music for Windows 8.1 gets new Snap view, improved playlist and more

Xbox Music for Windows 8.1 gets new Snap view, improved playlist and more

HomeGuides, How to, TechXbox Music for Windows 8.1 gets new Snap view, improved playlist and more

Microsoft is releasing a new update to the Xbox Music app ahead of the launch of Windows 8.1. This is a modest update and brings three major changes: access to your currently playing song list from the navigation pane, a new Snap view that makes multitasking a little easier when managing your currently playing songs, and users will also notice an overall performance improvement.

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These aren't huge changes, but they're definitely welcome improvements that improve the experience. The update follows recent news that Microsoft is releasing an Xbox Music app for Android and iOS, and updating the Xbox Music web player to stream songs for free via a web browser on all Windows 8 devices.

If you're running the preview or have gotten your hands on RTM, you can head to the Windows Store app and complete the update – that's if you have auto-updating disabled, of course, otherwise you're probably up to date.

Source Windows Store via WPCentral