Xbox One gets its first Patch Tuesday, fixing SmartGlass and other major issues

Xbox One gets its first Patch Tuesday, fixing SmartGlass and other major issues

HomeGuides, How to, TechXbox One gets its first Patch Tuesday, fixing SmartGlass and other major issues

It seems that Microsoft will also be including Xbox One in its monthly Patch Tuesday updates. In a new article on the Major Nelson blog, Larry Hryb explains in detail how the Xbox One system update works, as it is a little different than what Xbox 360 owners were used to.

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How to Fix Xbox One Not Updating! [UPDATE ERROR]

Here's how to update your Xbox One gaming console:

If you're using Xbox One with the Instant On feature, the console will check for updates as soon as you turn it off. If the update is available, the following will happen:

Now don't be alarmed if you've been away from home for a few days and then say "Xbox: On" and nothing happens. You now know that the console may turn off automatically after downloading the update.