Xbox One supports CD playback and DLNA streaming, PS4 does not

Xbox One supports CD playback and DLNA streaming, PS4 does not

HomeGuides, How to, TechXbox One supports CD playback and DLNA streaming, PS4 does not

Microsoft recently confirmed that the Xbox One does indeed support CD playback and is DLNA compatible. Why is this good news? Well, it's because Sony has revealed details about the PlayStation 4's features, and CD playback and DLNA compatibility are not among the console's features.

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I could understand the PS4 dropping support for CD playback, but I'm really surprised that DLNA streaming won't be a supported feature when Sony was the company that established the standard for streaming content between devices back in 2003.

This is also good news for gamers because, as you'll recall, Microsoft has confirmed in the past that Xbox One will not feature the Windows Media Center Extender. And since DLNA will now be an option, users will still be able to stream content from a computer, tablet or phone to the big screen.

Another related issue: PlayStation 4 cannot play MP3 music files and Xbox One does not allow importing MP3s to the console. However, users can use the Play To feature in Windows 8.1, 8 and 7 to stream audio files.